Identify and fix inefficiencies across organizational silos
To be successful in this endeavor businesses must raise the cost efficiency bar—by gaining visibility into the dynamically complex factors that drive cost base and exposing more strategic and sustainable options for long-term cost management.
If not understood and measured, the dynamic complexity of modern business threatens the viability of cost management practices by diminishing promised returns and introducing unacceptable levels of risk.
Using insights from X-Act® platform, business and IT users can understand how the current system (business, IT or both) is being limited with respect to efficiency, cost and throughput and ultimately expose risks and identify inefficiencies across organizational silos.
Using proven-accurate prediction capabilities, X-Act platform uses mathematical emulation to reveal the future effects of decision by reliably predicting both known patterns of behavior and new, never seen before, patterns of behavior that may be benign or dangerous in their consequences.
This arms decision makers with reliable foresight into the future ramification of cost program recommendations before any actions are taken.
X-Act platform allows decision makers to test ideas, validate plans and perfect strategies before investments are made (in the same way that CAD/CAM is used in engineering and design).
X-Act platform helps businesses foster a change management culture that is forward-looking and proactive versus historically oriented and reactionary. X-Act proactively reports on any future patterns that may cause inefficiencies and possible crises in sufficient time for users to take corrective actions before losses are realized.
To be most effective, the analytical approach supported by X-Act must be built into the operations of the business, not just the change program. If it is not fully integrated into business operations, then the negative effects of dynamic complexity, and the resulting quality, quantity and/or cost loses, will reappear and continually erode the benefits of the change program overtime.
An enterprise-wide strategy—fueled by the right business goals, talent, tools and resources—is necessary to promote an analytics-driven culture. URM GROUP provides clients with the training, technology and resources they need to operationalize analytics and build an analytics culture.